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Trinity Art Hotel New Delhi

Images of Trinity Art Hotel New Delhi

General Information

The Trinity Art Hotel is wholly situated both for work and recreation clients to New Delhi. This three-star hotel provides 17 homely rooms for guests with a variety of in-room service good for the up-to-date traveler. Every of the hotel's rooms for guests proposes non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, daily newspaper, table, I-net access (wireless), I-net access. To suit guests' convenience, this New Delhi lodging proposes lift, washhouse service/dry cleaning, security deposit boxes, WiFi .This guesthouse is characterized by a mix of contemporary comfort and conventional element of New Delhi, making it a distinct lodging. To reserve a suite at the Trinity Art Hotel, simply select your dates of visit and fill in our safe online booking form.

Trinity Art Hotel New Delhi Facilities

Trinity Art Hotel New Delhi facilities
24 Hour ReceptionAir Conditioned
Coffee / Tea MakerComplimentary Toiletries
ConciergeDirect dial phone
Doorman/doorwomanDry Cleaning
Elevator / LiftEn suite
Free ParkingGolf Course
Golf Course (nearby)Hair Dryer
High-speed InternetHousekeeping
Internet Connection (wireless)Kitchenette
Laundry serviceMicrowave
Non-Smoking RoomsParking
Personal Shopper ServicePillow Top Mattress
Room ServiceSecurity Guard
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